Lead vocals / Guitar / Piano

Mai Mizuhara

Mai "Mairead Kallner" Mizuhara grew up in Old Sharlayan, an only child that some would say was spoiled. Mai never really aspired to be a musician or play music. She spent her younger years in modeling, television and talent showcases. Known for her stunning beauty and infectious personality. In college Mai met Vixon and Luv at a Kapa Beta Pie party and became instant friends. After a long night of drinking, the girls were stumbling home when Mai randomly started singing "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. Vix and Luv stared at each other dumb founded. This was the voice they were looking for and it was here in front of them the whole time. At the time Vixon, Luv and Muave had a Irish Punk band named Molly's Mulligan. They would all later adopt stage names to form the band name Mai Secret Valentine. These days, Mai is quiet, keeps mostly to herself and is often found relaxing in her private cabin in The Lavender Beds slipping wine by the fire. Although it isn't something she wants, Mai is often looked as the leader of the band. Using her charm and beauty to book shows and high end venues. Draws inspiration from Axl Rose, Amy Lee and Lzzy Hale to name a few. Mai's voice in game is represented by panpipes and clarinet for the breathy melodic sound. On stage Mai wears black long dresses with high heel boots. When not on stage Mai is often wearing sweat pants and hoodies. Mai's Stage name came from people calling her Mai for short. When she isn't touring with MSV, Mai is also in a band called Second Hand Embarrassment.Dating Status: Emotionally Unavailable
Preferences: Unknown
Favorite Music: All but Country
Dislikes: Herself, Dependence of others approval and arrogance,

Rhythm Guitar / Piano / acoustic guitar

Vixon Valentine

Vixon "Rowan McKagan" Valentine, is the Irish Princess of the band. Vix is tough, no non sense/ no bullshit and brash as they come. Grew up with a father who built their home in Gridania with his own two hands. Middle class, Vix learned to appreciate things in life. Vixon has always had a small crush on Mai, ever since they got drunk and shared an evening together. However, she would never let her feelings get in the way of the success of the band. Vix spends her time learning guitar (former bassist), drugs and booze. Vix is the trouble child of the band, never thinking things through, rash and impulsive. Vix sees something she wants, she don't let up until it is hers. The band calls Vix, Mai's favorite, but does not like it when they do, sometimes leading into fights. Drawing inspiration from Flea, Less Claypool and Duff, Vixon only really wanted to play bass. However, if Mai asks, Vix is quick to do. Now Vixon loves learning from Allison Robertson and Lita Ford to name a few. In game Vixon's style is showcased with a mix of Powerchords, Clean and Muted guitar. Never flashy, humble and structured. On stage Vixon wears short skirts and tops. Off stage Vixon enjoys comfy jeans and hoodies.Dating Status: Obsessed with Mairead
Preferences: Women with Expensive Taste
Favorite Music: 80's Metal, Irish Punk, Irish Folk and Blues

Lead Guitar

Luv Secretz

Luv "Molly McConnell" Secretz is often called the quiet one, until you put a guitar in her hands. Mai is always saying she is the glue holding the band together. Always the voice of reason. Luv spends her time riding motorcycles and driving sports cars. When the other members go out and party, Luv stays behind to practice her craft. Luv spends as much time away from the band as possible. Always saying the band is drama and she don't need drama. Only respecting Mai, their professional bond is strong and their passion to be great is the one thing they have in common. Addy jokingly calls Luv and Mai, Peanut Butter and Jelly, separate they are good, but together they are amazing. Like Mai and Vix, Guns N Roses is a big influence on Luv, not just Slash but Izzy as well. When it comes to inspiration however, Luv inspires to be her own. Former guitarist of the Meowsfits and Songbirds, Luv is quite possibly the most underrated guitarist. However, not for much longer! In game Luv is showcased with Overdriven Guitar mixed with some Clean & Muted. What Luv is known for however, is her dirty Pick slides (Special Guitar.) On Stage Luv wears all black, dresses, skirts and revealing tops, usually with heals. Sometimes dawning the iconic top hat made famous by Slash. Off stage Luv wears pretty much the same, a diva on and off the stage, The true Princess of the Band.Dating Status: Dating Jim Jackson from Meowsfits
Favorite Music: Guitar Solos (80's Hair Metal)
Likes: Cute dresses, Les Paul Guitars and scented candles
Dislikes: Lilly (Trash Cat) Ashcroft


Audrey Pearl

Audrey Pearl "Stix" is plain crazy. No one is really sure when Addy showed up? Vix and Muave got into a bar brawl and Addy jumped in to help. After crashing at the apartment that night, she just never left. And at some point, she ended up being a monster behind the drumkit. Mai says Audrey is the constant energy of the band, never taking time to sit down or slow down. Often a bad influence on Vix, the two are always in trouble. Addy and Muave, however are always at odds. Anytime the band takes a break it usually stems from the two of them fighting. Addy spends her time shooting guns at the gun range and hunting. Gambling, extreme sports and a unhealth amount of drugs. Drawing inspiration from drummers like The Rev, Joey Jordison and Mike Portnoy. Sometimes, Addy rips into drum patterns no one has ever heard or may ever need to hear. On stage Audrey wears cute black dresses, fishnets and big black boots. Her hair always in the classic braids that Vixon does for her. Off stage she wears leggings, denim and Vans.
Audrey is represented in game with fast paced Bass Drum, with added double kicks!
Dating Status: Single and ready to mingle
Preference: Sk8er Bois
Favorite Music: Fuckin' Metal
Likes: Speed dating, fast food and Coyote Coffee
Dislikes: Rainy Days, pop music and pineapple on pizza

Vocals / Strings / Piano / acoustic guitar

Madalyn Rose

Madalyn Rose, Maddy is shy at first but a fire cracker after a few drinks and or bumps. If Addy is the energy, Maddy is the force to drive the band to do anything and everything they shouldn't. Quick to throw punches, Maddy is a shorty with a shorter fuse, but the aggression to back it up. Mess with any of the band members and you are likely to leave in a ambulance. Maddy spends her time at jazz clubs, strip clubs and cigar bars. She enjoys the finer things, a fine wine, fancy jewelry and designer clothes. All ways to cope with her overwhelming depression and guilt. Maddy grew up in a wealthy family knowing only the worlds finest things. When asked who inspired her, she said no one. Madalyn is the smallest member with the biggest voice! Sometimes even overpowering Mai's gentle and melodic tones. Every emo/metal band needs a good scream, Maddy is exactly that. Maddy is what Mai calls "The Swiss Army Knife" because Maddy can play almost every instrument.Dating Status: Single but Not Looking
Preference: Men She Can't Afford
Favorite Music: Jazz and Classical
Dislikes: Smelly boys, small spaces and clothes left on the floor.


Muave McKagan

Muave " The Enforcer" McKagan is the younger sister of Rowan McKagan. Muave was brought into the band for her punk style of bass playing. Muave is a no fucks given kind of girl. Muave is likely to use Jameson as mouth wash in the morning and wash down the buffet of pills with an energy drink. Muave has sever anger issues and can sometimes be heard belting out a horrifying scream during a set. When not on stage, Muave actually spends her time as a bouncer at Club Blink. Muave doesn't get along with most of the band. Mostly targeting Maddy because she is smaller, but isn't afraid to fight back. So the two of them are always fighting on the bus. Both Muave and Vixon however, despite their differences, will lay down for any of the girls in this band. They are both ever so grateful to have the chance to live a better life. Muave secretly wants to bury Mai six feet deep for toying with her sister Rowan. And wishes they would just admit being in loveDating Status: Taken
Favorite Music: Irish Punk and Irish Folk
Dislikes: Madalyn, Mai and bad breath


Lzzy Sradlin

Lzzy, joined MSV after her former band broke up. Little is know about Lzzy at this time.

purr-cussion / piano / strings / acoustic guitar

Hudson Phoenix

Hudson Phoenix, was brought on by Luv. Found abandon on the streets of Limsa. Hudson doesn't talk much and mostly keeps to their own. The story is, Hudson was very famous in another band, got mixed up in a scandal and lost everything. The band hopes one day they shed the burden and learns to live again. Luv is currently working with Hudson to learn guitar. She aspires to be am asset to the band.Dating Status: Single
Preference: None
Favorite Music: Synth Metal
Dislikes: People who are abusive or toxic